Clinic Schedule
Days: THUR
Timing: 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM
Dr. Syed Akmal Sultan is the Head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Institute of Trauma, Karachi. He has been with SMBBIT since January 2018 as a consultant. He is a 1999 graduate of Dow Medical College. He has extensive national & international experience. He had done his MRCS (Ireland) and also had the intercollegiate CCBST before doing his FCPS (Orth.). He has worked at Dr. K M Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi, Liaquat National Hospital, The Indus Hospital, Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital, Lahore and Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Internationally he has worked at Walsall Manor Hospital, Walsall NHS Healthcare, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, and Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust with its associated regional National Spine Injury Centre. He has done his Post fellowship training in Spine and is an AO Spine Fellow from Utrecht, Netherlands. In addition, he has a vast administrative experience and has worked from being the chief resident during training to being the conference coordinator and being member of scientific committees of orthopedic and trauma international conferences held in Pakistan, and organizing different workshops on local and international platforms. He has a special interest in trauma, spine and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Syed Akmal Sultan has a lot of diversified working experience in administrative management too. He also serves as a board member and trustee in different organizations. Recently he has been nominated as co-opted member of Faculty of Orthoapaedics at College of physician and Surgeons Pakistan.